Friday, June 29, 2012

An Episcopal Report

I thought it would be good to end with a little report on the evangelistic work we did in each of the cities that we went to:

(1st June; Peter & Taryn)

The first person we talked to was a lady having a cigarette break. Her name was Nikki, it turned out she was Greek Orthodox: ‘I tell everyone I know about God—they say, how do you know God exists—I say, how do you know air exists?’ Then, ‘the thing I’ve always wondered though, is whether we have to go to the priest to confess our sins’. We said it’s not important whether you worship and pray in this or that place, but God desires that we would worship him in spirit and in truth. She took two tracts and said she would pass them on to people she knew.

The next person to stop was a man called Finton, a Christian who goes to City Church in St Albans. I offered him two tracts to give to people he knew who didn’t know Jesus and asked if we could pray for them. He named his two children Liam & Claire, who have walked away from faith, so we prayed for them.

A man (I think his name was John) with an apparent mental disability was passing, with a South Asian carer (Sunder, I think). I was able to pray for him.

Talked to an elderly man wearing a straw hat who said, ‘It’s taken me all my life to realize that it’s not about how expensive your shoes are, the most valuable thing is faith’.

A friend of his approached, whose name turned out to be Phil, with guitar in hand. I asked if he wanted to play something on his guitar. To my surprise he accepted the offer, took out his guitar and began singing a song he’d written himself.

Catherine, an older Christian lady from the West Indies stopped, took 2 tracts to pass on

Ben, a Christian, took 2 tracts to pass on

Mother w/ toddler running loose called Daniel; I asked if she knew the story of the biblical Daniel; she took gospel tract.

2 Sri Lankan men, of which one Christian (Clement); gave the Christian two tracts, encouraged him to share the message with those he knew; explained the message to his friend, encouraged him to consider it

Teenagers (one called Jacob, another Christian (!), and friends) just finished final day of school, out on pub crawl, highly amused by the Archbishop’s hat

3 more sober pub-crawlers, but more hostile to Christianity. If there is a God of love, then why did he allow the Holocaust to happen?

Teenage girls, also just finished school. ‘No, we’re Catholic’

Man in red tie: Gordon, Christian, took 2 tracts

Business man took tract

A lady, whose name was Anne-Marie, stopped when I offered her a tract, was uncertain whether to accept—“I’m Catholic”. I said this was just a simple explanation of the good news that all Christians, Catholic or Protestant, believe. I encouraged her to take two to give to friends—she said she didn’t want to offend anyone—I said that to explain what we believe isn’t offensive, and that we could pray that her friends wouldn’t be offended. So she took two tracts and we prayed.

Another group of teenagers, one with foot in cast. A girl, Kim, was willing to listen to me talk briefly, and took a tract.

(4th June; Peter & Taryn)

Chinese lady w/ daughter looking at the raised map, took a tract

Lucian, Nathan, Thomas, seemed intrigued by the Archbishop’s hat. Impressive knowledge of the Bible but little love for the God of the Bible. Thomas took a tract and read the prayer of repentance: ‘That’s a really nice prayer!’ Nathan wanted to know what I thought about Romans 13:1. I looked it up and then explained how I understood it (it’s about submitting to political authorities). ‘Ah, Acts 5:29!’ he said.

An elderly Muslim man and his son came past and stopped. French-speaking, but with good English too, occasionally the son stepped in to translate what I was trying to communicate to his father. ‘Why are you a Christian?’ asked the father, I began to answer. ‘No! The reason you are a Christian is that you were born in a Christian family, the reason I am a Muslim is that I was born in a Muslim family.’ I was about to reply when a passer-by entered the conversation. He spent the next ten minutes very clearly and very graciously explaining the gospel to the Muslim man. I stood by, nodding my approval of what he was saying.

Chris, one of the touts selling punting tours, stopped to talk briefly.

Another punting tout, who I remember had been quite aggressive when I’d met him before doing street evangelism in Cambridge, stopped and complimented me on having the balls to do something like this. And then accepted a tract.

A Singaporean lady (Audrey) visiting Cambridge with a friend, refused the offer of a tract, only because she had her own stash of English/Chinese tracts in her bag.

Some Chinese schoolboys responded to me asking them whether they believed in God, and were then willing to listen to me explain the gospel. I gave two of them tracts, encouraging them to spread the message to people that they knew.

A guy called Mandali listened to me reading Mark for quite some time.

Leonardo and Chiara listened to me explain the gospel but Leonardo seemed more interested in knowing whether I was Catholic or Protestant. I refused to answer his question. ‘Do you believe in transubstantiation?’—my reply: ‘Whether you believe in transubstantiation or not won’t save you, believing the gospel is more important’

Jane was wearing a rainbow-coloured jumper and was willing to talk to me for a brief moment: ‘I already believe’. So I offered her two tracts to pass on to those she knew who didn’t believe, but she said that she preferred to live out her faith instead of talking about it. I said we need to do both but she went on her way.

A group of ladies at theological college in Cambridge wanted to know what I was doing, and then what I thought of whether there should be women bishops.

Finally I ran out of tracts and was about to leave, but still a young teenage boy was watching me from a short distance away. I asked him if he believed in God. He said, No but he was willing to give it a go. Will I have to go to church? I said, ‘You’ll have to trust and obey everything Jesus says. So if Jesus says you have to go to church, then you have to go to church. And if Jesus sends you somewhere where there are no churches, then maybe you’ll have to start a church instead’. Our conversation was brought to an abrupt halt as his mother shooed him onwards to wherever they were headed.

In the evening we were able to meet up with Andrew Harland, CU college rep at Caius, and former Hebron student. Shared some of the vision of what we were doing (as well as giving him some Circuit Riders flyers to pass on), and prayed with and encouraged him.

(5th June; Peter & James Swabey)

Prayed for two homeless men who needed food and accommodation.

A girl called Sidney stopped, took a tract, and was happy for me to pray that God would bless and meet with her.

An Indian Christian family stopped to listen at a distance – James went over and talked with them.

A Christian lady called Gladys stopped on the second time of passing and took two tracts to pass on to those she knew.

A Christian lady called Amanda stopped and took a tract to pass on.

A group of teenage boys came to sit on the bench next to where I was preaching. I shook one of them by the hand and asked if knew that God loved him. His name was Jack. He listened to me explain the gospel and took a tract. James was then able to talk to the boys at greater length.

A church-goer called Simon suggested that instead of preaching ‘hell and damnation’ at people I would do better demonstrating practical love instead. Regarding ‘preaching damnation’, I said that though God’s love is primary, sin is also a reality, and the cross makes no sense without understanding the weightiness of both. I invited him to listen to what I was saying and tell me if I was leaning too heavily on the ‘damnation’ side of the spectrum without talking about God’s love.

Two City Council officers came over and told me that I wasn’t allowed to do what I was doing. I said that I thought that street-preaching was legal. They told me that the square I was standing on was private property and that there was a designated ‘Speaker’s Corner’ that I could go to. I said, ‘Well, seeing as we’re talking why don’t I explain to you what I’m trying to tell people…’ and they very quickly made their excuses and left.

I went in search of another spot to preach, and on the way talked to a Sikh man sitting on a bench: I think his name was Amit. He said he believed in God, I asked if he was prepared for the judgment that one day we will all face, he said No. I explained the gospel, and left him a tract.

Unable to find the designated ‘Speaker’s Corner’, we decided to continue what we were doing in another open courtyard between shops.

Ali, a Muslim, took a tract and talked briefly.

Aileen & Cathleen, said they were Catholics but didn’t go to Mass anymore but still said their prayers each night. I gave them two tracts each and encouraged them to pass them on to any they knew who didn’t believe in Jesus. They eagerly accepted.

Archana & Ajay were rushing past but were happy to take a tract and listen to a brief explanation of the gospel.

Dawn, a Christian lady passing me for the second time, shouted ‘Don’t let them get you down!’ to which I replied happily that it would take a lot to do that.

A Muslim teenager refused to talk, simply saying: ‘Islam’s the truth, innit!’

An elderly man was very angry at the fact that I was talking about God. Shaking his fist at us, he said ‘My brother was a rapist, and still the priest blessed him when he died and sent him to heaven. Is that right?’ And then he walked away.

A Muslim called Abdullah was happy to talk at length, but was convinced that the Qur’an was more reliable than the Bible—though strangely he was eager to say that he preferred Jesus to Mohammed. I ended the conversation by praying that God would guide us both into His truth, and gave him my contact details in case he wanted to keep in touch.

(6th June; Peter, Taryn & Andrew Bowers)

A man called Jake and his young child, stopped when I read the bit in Mark where the Father speaks from heaven: “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased”. Jake said, ‘My dad sent me that verse yesterday’. I gave him two tracts to share with people he knew who didn’t yet know God.

I went over to talk to a couple sitting on a bench within earshot. The wife turned out to be a Jehovah’s witness, the husband a more conventional but more nominal Christian. ‘At least you’re speaking out for what you believe’ said the wife.

Andrew talked to a man who said that he’d previously been a pastor, but had quit because of too much disappointment with unanswered prayer. As he walked away, Andrew called after him ‘God’s not given up on you yet!’

An Oxford student came over to encourage us and ask if there was anything he could get for us. His name was Sam, he was from Singapore—and when we said we were with YWAM he said he knew Nick Holding!

A couple walking past took a tract and then returned a couple of minutes later asking for a few more tracts!

Steve from Germany nipped away from his passing tour group to encourage us.

A soft-spoken young man called Matthieu took a tract.

Andrew talked to a couple (Ben & Iva) for a long time. When asked what he could pray for them, the girl said ‘that God would reveal Himself to me’, the guy ‘that God would give me more money’. (Perhaps the two most common prayer requests among YWAMers?!)

Anoj & Saiba were a young Hindu couple who had been sitting within earshot of us on the nearby steps of the Bodleian library. I went over to talk to them and we had quite a long conversation about the ‘God within’ and the ‘image of God’. I encouraged them to read John’s gospel, gave them each a tract and also my contact details.

Another guy was sitting on the steps smoking and was open to taking a tract.

Andrew saw an old university friend of his, who was surprised to see him doing street evangelism.

A lot more people took tracts.

Met up with my old friend Jonny Reid in a pub afterwards, gave him some Circuit Riders flyers and shared what had been happening.

(11th June; Peter & Taryn)

On the train leaving Harpenden, we found ourselves sitting opposite a man reading a New Age (Brahma Kumari) magazine. Taryn offered him a tract and conversation began. His name was Raymond, he describes himself as a Buddhist, but he was interested to hear our stories. I shared a little of my testimony with him, and when he said he lived in Luton we told him about our church in Luton.

In Southampton it was raining, and so we weren’t really able to do street evangelism in the way that we did in the other cities.

As we walked from the train station to the centre of town, we met 2 Dutch girls who were there for the day to do some shopping.

We then spent some time in Starbucks, strengthening our souls in the Lord, and praying about how best to use our time in Southampton. We left a tract on Starbucks table.

We then went to the university, and spent some time praying there for the students in Southampton.

We returned to the main street and gave a few tracts to passers-by.

As we walked along the street, we saw Above Bar church, and decided to put a Circuit Riders flyer through their letter box. As we did so, Paul (one of their leaders) was coming out. He invited us in for a drink and then round to pub to join their ‘missional community’ watching the England game against France. Chatted to a few people as England managed to hold onto a 1-1 draw, and then returned home somewhat damp.

(13th June; Peter, Taryn, Nick Holding, Michael Green)

N talked to David, a Canadian

T talked to a Hindu family, and persuaded them to take a tract

M talked to Antonio from Italy

N talked to a man called Paul, who said he was a Christian but was unsure of his salvation

M talked to a Christian called Eric

M also talked to another Eric, a former churchgoer whose partner goes to church

We were joined by P’s good friend Phil Jackson, who helped do some evangelism.

P addressed a crowd of schoolkids coming out of St Paul’s, as they waited on the steps for the whole group to gather. I said, I’m wearing this funny hat because I’m ‘running for archbishop’. Because even though some people might say I’m too young, I have a Bible that says we should not say ‘I’m too young’, but should proclaim the words that God puts in our mouths (Jer. 1). And I say to you young schoolkids, that you shouldn’t let anyone tell you you’re too young, but should believe and share the gospel no matter how old you are! Now, who knows what the gospel is? It’s the good news that Jesus died –
Then one of the schoolboys shouted out: ‘And he resurrected!
That’s right! Now, who wants one of these tracts? (A lot of hands went up) Now, you can only have it if you promise you’ll pass on the message—okay? And I gave away a few tracts.

After stopping to catch my breath, P again preached to those sitting on the steps of St Paul’s. And was glad to be engaged by the friendly antagonism of a young guy called Liam and his friend Ben.

Afterwards P spoke a little to a man called Joseph, who was from a Catholic background and very cynical about religion.

P talked to Dimitri, Jehovah’s Witness

P talked to a young couple called Mike and Victoria, who said they were Christians.

We talked to an American Christian couple from Tennessee, who wished us well in what we were doing.

T talked to an Indian couple with a son called Saahil. They took a tract.

P talked to a Chinese lady with minimal English, who understood that I wanted to ‘introduce Jesus’.

T talked to a gentleman called Bill.

(15th June; Peter, Taryn, Nick, Moureen, Margaret)

Although it initially looked like it was going to rain, it only did very briefly, and so we were able to have a very profitable few hours on the streets in Canterbury. But we seem only to have kept a record of a small number of names.

A lady called Francis stopped briefly to encourage us, before rushing off for an appointment.

We talked to a lady called Helen.

P talked to two visiting French teenagers, Joshua & Fabian

P gave a tract to a young French schoolgirl called Camille

A French lady called Sylvie stopped.

P had a long conversation with an English girl called Jess and her friend Jack. She had a lot of questions and not a lot of patience for my answers. I prayed for her, and a few minutes later another friend of hers passed by. She said to him: ‘Ask him to pray for you, it’s really nice’. I asked the guy what I should pray for him and he said to pray that he would see God right in front of him – because that’s what it would take for him to believe. I said if he saw God right in front of him he would be terrified. He said good, because he’d not yet found anything which could scare him. I put my hand on his shoulder and prayed that God would put the fear of the Lord in him.

We then went to Canterbury Cathedral, and videoed a couple more Reasons. We had just finished when a security guard appeared. ‘Were you videoing and pretending to be the Archbishop?’ he said. The human heart is desperately wicked and deceitful above all things, so I thoughtlessly blurted out, ‘Er, no, just taking a photo…’ Conscience then struck, so we went back and apologized, and after the security guard had called his supervisor, who called the press officer, it was established that we could indeed do what we were doing.

So let that be an encouragement to freely and boldly share the gospel in this country!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Final Reason: The Biblical Mandate

So I'm going to have to apologize, and admit that I'm not going to be able to get videos for all thirty reasons posted by the end of this month.

And so I leave you with this clip of me inside Canterbury Cathedral reading the bit where the Bible declares that whoever desires to be a bishop desires 'a noble thing'.

Thankyou for the various ways in which you the watching world have helped and encouraged me.

And now I in turn encourage you, whether you be clergy or laity, whether you be a bishop, a priest, a deacon, or a mere human like myself--to go and preach the gospel to everyone you know. And when they respond, begin discipling them. And don't think that you need a bishop to lay hands on you to make that group of faith-filled disciples a 'real church'.

For as our Book of Common Prayer says, a 'real church' is simply "a congregation of faithful men, in which the pure Word of God is preached, and the Sacraments be duly ministered according to Christ's ordinance".

Go in peace, to love and serve the Lord --
and to revive and reform England by the preaching of the gospel!

Reason #16: I'm Broad Church

Running For Archbishop is a campaign not so much to give you lots of reasons why I should be Archbishop, but primarily to share the gospel!

And we've been to St Albans, Cambridge, Coventry, Oxford, Southampton, London--and now finally we've come to Canterbury to share the good news that God so loved the world.

The whole world, not just me with my evangelical convictions, my liberal desire for a reasonable answer, my pentecostal zeal, my catholic reverence for tradition, but the whole world -- whoever will believe in Jesus.

And whoever would be Archbishop needs to have a deep conviction about the importance of Christian unity -- that, as the gospel declares, it's merely faith in the one Lord Jesus and baptism in His name that unites people of all sorts into the one family of the true God.

Go in peace, to love and serve the Lord.

Reason #15: I'm Pentecostal

Not only is the Church of England a Liberal church: a tolerant church, a reasonable church; it is also a Catholic church: a traditional church, a church with history and heritage; and more, it is an Evangelical church, a Biblical church, a Reformed church.

But if the church is to be the "pillar of truth" that the New Testament says it should be, it must be more than that--it must be Pentecostal.

And by Pentecostal I mean believing that the Holy Spirit that we Christians claim to believe in is the same Spirit who filled the apostles on the day of Pentecost.

And we read in the book of Acts, that on the day of Pentecost that the disciples were praying together because Jesus had told them to wait until they were baptized in the Spirit before they went out to share the gospel, and 'when the day of Pentecost had fully come', the people began to praise God in tongues they had not previously known. And the disciples were filled with boldness to declare the gospel not in word only, but in the demonstration of God's power.

And if we are to see revival in England we need to pray that the gospel would not only be proclaimed by our words, but demonstrated by the manifest power of God, so that -- like the lame man healed in the name of Jesus -- our paralysed nation can go forth 'walking and leaping and praising God' (Acts 3:8)!

Go in peace, to love and serve the Lord!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Reason #14: I'm Evangelical

As well as being liberal and catholic, the Archbishop needs to be an evangelical who tests everything according to the Bible.

Since Thomas Cranmer and his Book of Common Prayer, the Church of England has been an Evangelical church, a Reformed church, a Biblical church. Which means the Church of England declares that we need believe nothing unless it can be proved from the Bible.

This means that although as good Catholic Christians we accept the traditions of the Church as a blessing, we need to pay heed to the word of St. Augustine -- passed down in church tradition (by Aquinas) -- that "Only those books of Scripture which are called canonical have I learned to hold in such honor as to believe their authors have not erred in any way in writing them. But other authors I so read as not to deem everything in their works to be true, merely on account of their having so thought and written, whatever may have been their holiness and learning."

And of course in Scripture itself we find that Jesus criticized the Established religious leaders of his day for depending too much on tradition, and not knowing the Word of God or the power of God.

But Evangelical means not only that we love the Bible and test everything by it, but also that we are gospel people -- for the word 'evangelical' comes from the Greek word 'euanggelion', which means 'good news', 'gospel'. And the whole message of the Bible is good news, that in spite of our failure to live up to God's standards, God has paid the price for us to be reconciled to Him and experience the blessing of enjoying His promises being fulfilled.

Go in peace, to love and serve the Lord.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Reason #13: I'm Catholic

We were speaking about how the Archbishop would need to be liberal. Now, we argue that the Archbishop must also be Catholic.

The Anglican church is part of the one, holy, Catholic church, having bishops that stand in apostolic succession from the original apostles of Jesus. And whoever would be Archbishop needs to appreciate and submit to the traditions of the Catholic church.

For as the postmodern philosophers have reminded us, all of us are tradition-ed human beings: we all have presuppositions that we bring to the table and that prevent any one of us from being a neutral absolute arbiter of truth.

And as the Church of England we have an incredible Christian heritage which we are responsible to receive and steward.

But of all the traditions we receive, the most important is the gospel. Which, St Paul says, he received and passed on to us: that Christ Jesus died for our sins and rose on the third day.

Go in peace, to love and serve the Lord.

Reason #12: I'm Liberal

Whoever would be Archbishop would need to be liberal, for the Church of England is liberal.

Now Christians who hold to traditional biblical doctrine often use 'liberal' in a derogative manner. But, I believe that Christians *should* be in liberal, and in two ways in particular.

First, we should be liberal politically. Which is not to say that we should be secular (as we have previously argued), but to say that the tolerance that people enjoy in Britain today comes not from Britain being in any sense a secular country (it is not) but from Britain being a Christian and therefore a liberal country, that allows people freedom of conscience within acceptable limits.

Second, we should be liberal intellectually. Which is to say that we should have confidence that the light of the truth will shine clearly when it is presented openly and reasonably. And we should, as 1 Peter 3:15 encourages us to do, be prepared to give a reasonable answer to everyone who asks why it is that we believe the gospel.

So we see that it is possible to be unashamedly 'liberal', without being ashamed of the gospel that Jesus died for our sins and rose again.

Go in peace, to love and serve the Lord.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Reason #8: Frequent Communion

The Eucharist, the Lord's supper, Communion, Mass...

Whatever Christians call it, we should celebrate it frequently! And Anglican churches do celebrate it frequently, and whoever would be Archbishop would need to recognize the importance of this.

Now some Protestants get a bit nervous at this, as if to say so is to be in danger of becoming a Roman Catholic.

Well, as we'll see soon, I consider myself a Catholic Christian, and unashamedly confess that I believe in "one, holy, *catholic* and apostolic church" -- so I think to be 'Catholic' is a good thing!

And I think to celebrate Communion frequently is a good thing, because this is the sign -- the sacrament, to use the technical term -- that Jesus Himself gave us to remember His death on the cross and to picture the gospel: that Jesus' body was broken on the cross so that we could come and eat at the Father's table, and that Jesus is now truly with us.

And we need to be frequently reminded of the truth of the gospel, because the gospel is the power of God for the salvation, and the revival, and the reformation of England.

Go in peace, to love and serve the Lord!

Reason #7: Baptizing Babies

Now, the Church of England--as we all know--baptizes babies.

In fact, if you were to find out about baptism simply by looking at the Church of England's website, you might get the impression that the Church of England only baptizes babies.

This is a shame, because we all need to be baptized as the first step in becoming faithful followers of Jesus -- and not everyone has the privilege of having been born into a Christian family.

But even tiny little babies who haven't yet understood the gospel sufficiently to say themselves that they believe, should still -- I believe -- be baptized, because to do so speaks of the grace of God which always comes long before any of us ever come to the point of faith.

And we could make more biblical arguments for baptizing babies (and not only baptizing believing adults, the position known as 'credo-baptism'):
1. Jesus says "Let the little children come to me and *stop keeping them away*" Mt. 19:14
2. The New Testament describes Old Covenant circumcision (which was --and still is! by Jews today-- applied to babies) as a "sign" and a "seal of the righteous of faith" (Rom. 4:11), thus invalidating the argument that since baptism is a sign of faith it cannot be applied to babies who do not yet have faith.
& cetera, & cetera

Go in peace, to love and serve the Lord.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Reason #6: I'm Repentantly Patriotic

So here we are in Oxford!

Yesterday I was saying that since the Archbishop needs to submit to the queen and I'm a royalist, I would be a suitable candidate.

Today, we suggest that the Archbishop needs to engage constructively and critically with England's history.

This Oxford Martyr's Memorial is a good example of what I'm talking about.

It reminds us of the terrible fact that at one time the Queen of this country had three faithful men -- Ridley, Cranmer and Latimer -- put to death for nothing worse than believing the gospel.

And as someone who believes in England and the established Church and in the queen, it is necessary to accept responsibility and apologize for such tragic events.

But at the same time, it reminds us that there have been faithful English Christians (Cranmer being the very standard of an Established Anglican Churchman) who have been willing to die for the gospel.

As Christian Englishmen, we are guilty of the sort of sins that have harmed innocent people. But we should also recognise that our nation's Christian history has been a source of blessing not only to people in Britain but across the world, especially in the way that England has sent out missionaries to share the truth of the gospel.

Go in peace, to love and serve the Lord.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Official Video

In the places of power, the word that is spoken
Is that the Great kingdom of Britain is broken:
On our streets, shop windows are broken by vandals
& our MPs are embroiled in expenses scandals
& our journalists are found guilty of phone-hacking
& our banks are broke and need our financial backing

In the places of power, the word that is spoken
Is that the Great kingdom of Britain is broken--
But there is a secret place, where there speaks a different word
And if those with ears to hear will hear, then that voice can be heard...

Peter, do you love me?
Do you love me?
Do you love me?

(Jn. 21)

I want you to run for archbishop!
(Hab. 2:2, 1 Tim. 3:1)

But God, I'm too young!

Do not say 'I'm too young',
for I have set my words on your lips.
You shall go to all to whom I send you,
and whatever I command you, you shall speak.

(Jer. 1)

Now I've heard the voice of God,
I must obey the simple call:
to preach the gospel, save the lost,
revive the saved and train them all.

Thanks to Saulo Vilela, for putting this brilliant little explanatory video together.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Reason #5: I'm A Royalist

We were in Coventry today for part three of the Archbishop tour, and visited the old Cathedral, mostly destroyed by World War II bombing.

Meanwhile, the Queen was celebrating her Diamond Jubilee, and the nation was celebrating with her.

And whoever would be Archbishop of Canterbury, as chaplain to the nation and spokesman for England's established Church, must be willing to submit to the Queen's authority as head of the Christian kingdom of England.

And I proudly sing God Save The Queen -- as a prayer that God would indeed save our Queen (as he apparently already has, judging from her boldness to proclaim the gospel in her Christmas speech) and also as a prayer that God would revive the nation of England.

Go in peace, to love and serve the Lord.

If you're interested in more thoughts on why I'm a royalist who affirms England's Christian heritage, then please follow the relevant links.

Reason #4: I've Been Blessed By A Bishop

[No video for this since I'm suddenly uncertain whether it's a legitimate argument]

I've been baptized at an age when I was able to testify for myself that I believe in God the Father, Creator of heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ who died for our sins and rose from the dead, and in the Holy Spirit--but, were I to become Archbishop of Canterbury, the Anglican church might also require me to be confirmed by the laying on of hands of a bishop.

Now I was going to argue that I have received such a blessing, since at a service several years ago a bishop did come along to the parish church in Wye where I happened to be that Sunday morning, and did lay hands upon me to pray a prayer of blessing.

But having read the information on Anglican confirmation, I'm not actually sure that that would be sufficient.

On the other hand, the 39 Articles make quite clear that Anglicans should not consider confirmation to be a sacrament. And so perhaps one could argue that there is an inconsistency in requiring that anyone desiring the noble task of being a bishop (1 Timothy 3:1) be confirmed.

Or maybe I should just seek to actually be confirmed. So if you're an Anglican bishop and are passing Harpenden, please get in touch!

And for the rest of you--

Go in peace, to love and serve the Lord.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Reason #3: I've Been Baptized

Whoever would be Archbishop of Canterbury needs to have been baptized.

Baptism with water is the first thing that Christians are commanded to do in order as believers of the gospel.

Different Christian traditions do baptism in different ways: some sprinkle water on the head, some immerse the person completely.

But whatever the style of baptism in water, the more important thing is the baptism in the Spirit of which water baptism is a sign and seal.

If you believe the gospel and you've not been baptized, then I would encourage you to be baptized as soon as possible! If we want to see revival in our country, we need to get in the habit of immediately obeying the commands of Jesus.

But even if we have been baptized, we still need to keep asking God to fill us up with the Holy Spirit.

Go in peace, to love and serve the Lord!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Reason #2: I Believe The Gospel

Whoever would be Archbishop of Canterbury needs to believe the gospel, and to be convinced that this gospel is "the power of salvation" for England today.

What is the gospel? Well, it's easily explained by these four pictures:

The first picture (the heart) explains the context of the gospel: “God so loved the world…” (Jn. 3:16); “God created the heavens and the earth… and indeed it was very good” (Gen. 1); “I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you…”.

The second (the cross on the left) explainsthe problem exposed by the gospel: “Your iniquities have separated you from God” (Is. 59:2); “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Rom. 3:23); “All our righteousnesses are like filthy rags” (Is. 64:6).

The third (the Cross of Calvary) explains the solution proclaimed by the gospel: “Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, and he was buried, and He rose again the third day…” (1 Cor. 15:3); “the Son of Man [came] to give his life as a ransom for many” (Mk. 10:45); “He was wounded for our transgressions… and the LORD has laid on Him the iniquity of us all” (Is. 53:5-6).

The fourth (the question mark) explainsthe response required by the gospel: “If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead then you will be saved” (Rom. 10:9); “Whoever desires to come after Me [said Jesus], let him deny himself, take up his cross, and follow Me” (Mk. 8:34).

Go in peace, to love and serve the Lord.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Reason #1 : I Have A Vision For Revival

Why should I be Archbishop of Canterbury?

Well, whoever's going to be Archbishop of Canterbury needs a vision for the revival and reformation of England. Now, some think that's impossible.

But my Bible says that "With God nothing is impossible". So even today I believe revival is possible in England.

The Bible also says that "The gospel is the power of salvation". So my strategy would be to preach the gospel! And save the lost, revive the saved and train them all.

It's simple strategy that anyone can implement. And we're here in St Albans today to try and put it into practice. Thanks for listening

Go in peace to love and serve the Lord!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The Process Of Appointing An Archbishop

A friend helpfully pointed out to me the official process by which the Archbishop of Canterbury is appointed. I thought it might be helpful to share it with everyone here:

The responsibility for choosing the next Archbishop of Canterbury rests with the Crown Nominations Commission (CNC). Its task is to submit the name of a preferred candidate (and a second appointable candidate) to the Prime Minister who is constitutionally responsible for tendering advice on the appointment to the Queen.

The membership of the CNC is prescribed in the Standing Orders of the General Synod. When an Archbishop of Canterbury is to be chosen there are 16 voting members:
- The Chair (a layperson) – to be appointed by the Prime Minister
- A Bishop - to be elected by the House of Bishops
- The Archbishop of York or, if he chooses not to be a member of the CNC, a further Bishop to be elected by the House of Bishops
- Six representatives elected from the Diocese of Canterbury by their Vacancy in See Committee
- The six representatives (three clergy and three lay) elected by General Synod to serve as members of the Commission for a five year period
- A member of the Primates Meeting of the Anglican Communion elected by the Standing Committee of the Anglican Communion.
- In addition, the Secretary General of the Anglican Communion, the Prime Minister’s Appointments Secretary and the Archbishops’ Secretary for Appointments are non-voting members of the Commission.

Before the Commission first meets there will be an extensive consultation process to determine the needs of the diocese, the Church of England and the Anglican Communion. This has several phases;

- The diocesan Vacancy in See Committee will prepare a brief description of the diocese and a statement setting out the desired profile of the new Archbishop
- The Prime Minister’s and Archbishops’ Secretaries for Appointments will conduct a wider consultation exercise to inform the Commission’s consideration of the needs of the mission of the wider Church of England and the Anglican Communion.

The expectation is that the Commission will have an initial meeting around the end of May to agree its process, which is likely to continue over the summer. The number of meetings will be for the Commission to determine. The process will among other things include;
- Review of background material and results of the consultations, discussion of the challenges for the next Archbishop and, in the light of these, consideration of the personal qualities required.
- Consideration of candidates
- Voting to identify the recommended candidate and a second appointable candidate, whose names will go forward to the Prime Minister.

Since 2007 the agreed convention in relation to episcopal appointments has been that the Prime Minister commends the name preferred by the Commission to the Queen. The second name is identified in case, for whatever reason, there is a change of circumstances which means that the appointment of the CNC’s recommended candidate cannot proceed.

Once the Queen has approved the chosen candidate and he has indicated a willingness to serve, 10 Downing St will announce the name of the Archbishop-designate.

The College of Canons of Canterbury Cathedral formally elect the new Archbishop of Canterbury.

The election is confirmed by a commission of diocesan bishops in a legal ceremony (the Confirmation of Election), which confers the office of Archbishop on him.

The new Archbishop does homage to Her Majesty.

The new Archbishop is formally enthroned in Canterbury Cathedral.

Further details on the nomination process for Diocesan Bishops can be found at at the Church of England website.

This includes the particular arrangements made for the See of Canterbury.

There are six principal aspects to the job of the Archbishop of Canterbury:

1. The Archbishop is the Bishop of the Canterbury Diocese. He has delegated much of his responsibility for the diocese to the Bishop of Dover, who leads a senior staff team of the Dean, three Archdeacons and the Diocesan Secretary. The Archbishop continues to take a keen interest in the affairs of the diocese, attend staff and other meetings, the annual residential staff meeting, and the Archbishop’s Council of the diocese when possible.

2. The Archbishop of Canterbury is also a Metropolitan, having metropolitical jurisdiction throughout the 30 dioceses of the Province of Canterbury. As such, he can conduct formal visitations of those dioceses when necessary. Establishing close links with bishops in his Province is an important part of his work and he visits three dioceses each year. It is a Metropolitan’s responsibility to act as chief consecrator at the consecration of new bishops, grant various permissions, licences and faculties, appoint to parishes where the patron has failed to do so within the prescribed time limits, act as Visitor of various institutions and release, where appropriate, those who have taken religious vows. He and the Archbishop of York are joint Presidents of the General Synod. The Archbishop of Canterbury is Chairman and the Archbishop of York Vice-Chairman of the House of Bishops and the Crown Nominations Commission.Two Provincial Episcopal Visitors report to the Archbishop in relation to the 163 parishes in the southern province which have petitioned for extended episcopal care under the Episcopal Ministry Act of Synod.

3. As leader of the ‘Church by Law Established’ the Archbishop, in his capacity as Primate of All England, is ‘chaplain to the nation’, classically exemplified at a coronation. More routinely he has regular audiences with the Queen and the Prime Minister, and is frequently in touch with senior Ministers of State and with the Leaders of Opposition Parties. In addition, both Archbishops and 24 other senior bishops have seats in the House of Lords.

4. The Archbishop is the Focus of Unity for the Anglican Communion. He is convener and host of the Lambeth Conference, President of the Anglican Consultative Council, and Chair of the Primates’ meeting. In these roles he travels extensively throughout the Anglican Communion, visiting provinces and dioceses, and supporting and encouraging the witness of the Church in very diverse contexts. As primus inter pares among the bishops, he has a special concern for those in episcopal ministry.

The Archbishop of Canterbury is, along with the Bishop of Rome and the Ecumenical Patriarch, widely regarded as an international spiritual leader, representing the Christian Church. On overseas visits, a meeting with the Head of State is almost always a part of the programme, as are meetings with other significant political persons.

5. The Archbishop has a national and international ecumenical role; nationally he is one of the Presidents of Churches Together in England, who provide strategic guidance to ecumenical endeavours.

6. The Archbishop takes the lead in relationships with members of other faith communities both in this country and overseas, reflecting the increasing significance of those communities for the context in which the Church’s mission and ministry take place.

(Source: Archbishop of Canterbury website

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Circuit Riders

If you are captivated by the vision of revival in England bursting forth from the power of the simple gospel, then Running For Archbishop encourages you to consider signing up for the Circuit Riders training camp this July.

In the early settlement of the United States of America the frontiers were large and people were few and far between. With a passionate disregard for personal comfort and carrying only what they could fit into their saddlebags, “circuit riders” were a band of believers committed to carrying the message and worship of Christ to the most remote locations in a wild new land. Week after week they travelled by horseback through their appointed circuits, sometimes with days of arduous travel between each arrival. Stopping wherever they could find a willing audience, the circuit riders were committed to deliver the word of God to those least likely to have heard it, and those most in need of it.

The YWAM Circuit Riders Seminar echoes the calling of those early frontiersmen. The seminar is for those who are willing to sacrifice their own gain and comfort for the privilege of sharing the news of the bounteous life offered through faith in Jesus.

YWAM Harpenden is hosting the Seminar for leaders who want to be a part of a new journey to new frontiers in order to introduce those who are lost to the God who saves, and to excite believers with a fresh desire to do the same all over the world.

The seminar lasts for two weeks, and will be hosted at YWAM’s campus in Harpenden, less than an hour’s travel from the Olympic stadium. It will be followed by a two-week outreach working with Forever, the YWAM ministry coordinating YWAM’s 2012 Olympic outreach, to the Olympic locations across England.

The seminar seeks to help students pursue the following :
- personal freedom and breakthroughs in areas of your life that are not in line with the teaching of Jesus.
- Confidence to boldly teach and preach the gospel
- Understanding of how to pray for God to work miraculously through you
- Foundational understanding of the word of God and how to grow in your faith and live more like Jesus
- Learning in how to help others be more like Christ and to multiply that understanding
- A lifestyle characterized by the pursuit of spiritual disciplines

This Circuit Riders Seminar is open to all, not just to those that have done a Discipleship Training School (DTS) with YWAM. Following the completion of the seminar, those who desire further training can apply for a Discipleship Training School with YWAM or (if a DTS has already been completed), other leadership development training.

The Outreach (Circuits):

Our desire is that each trainee will carry out the simple tenets of Jesus’ ministry: Preach the gospel, teach biblical truth, pray for the sick, move in the supernatural, and call others to join us unto the fulfillment of the great commission. We desire to live from a foundation of worship and intercession to simply adore our great God, to receive His heart and strategies for nations and to commission those ready to respond to the call.

There will be short organized outreaches following this 2-week seminar. We encourage each trainee to participate in these outreaches before returning to their university, home church, work place, or YWAM base to teach and live out what they received. Following the completion of outreach, those who desire further training can do a DTS with YWAM or if a DTS has already been completed, a leadership development track is offered at the University of the Nations.

Contact Us:

Friday, May 25, 2012

Running For Archbishop

I'm delighted to announce the launch of the Running For Archbishop campaign. Please 'Like' us on Facebook and pass on word of this to all that you think might be interested.

To explain, Running For Archbishop is three things:
a 3 part strategy to revive England,
a 7 city tour to share the vision,
a 30 reason campaign to be Archbishop of Canterbury.

The inspirations are:
Psalm 2:8 "Ask of Me and I will give you the nations"
Habakkuk 2:2 "Write the vision clearly on tablets, so that he may run who reads it",
and 1 Timothy 3:1 "This is a true saying: if anyone desires to be bishop, it is a good work".

3 Part Strategy
The strategy is simple:
1. Save the lost,
2. Revive the saved,
3. Train them all.

7 City Tour
Starting on the 1st June, we will be visiting

St Albans -- 1st June

Cambridge -- 4th June

Coventry -- 5th June

Oxford -- 6th June

Southampton -- 11th June

London -- 13th June

before finally making our way to

Canterbury -- 15th June

In each city we will be going onto the streets to share the gospel in the afternoon,
before gathering in the evening to worship and explain the vision for the revival of England.

If you are in any of those cities on those dates and would like to be involved, please get in touch.

30 Reason Campaign
Throughout June, I will each day be offering a reason on Youtube why a Mere Human like myself, a twenty-four year old who hasn't even been ordained, would make a good Archbishop of Canterbury.

Now, the position of Archbishop of Canterbury is a vitally important one and also very difficult: as the outgoing Archbishop Rowan Williams has said, his successor would need "the constitution of an ox and the skin of a rhinoceros!" Apart from that there are various other criteria that a potential Archbishop would need to fulfil: most fundamentally, he would need to be a Christian who fulfils the biblical requirements for a bishop, and then he would also need to submit to the standards of orthodox Anglican faith. Vitally, he would need to know how to respond to the various challenges currently facing not only the Anglican church but also the English nation. Then there are various other skills that a satisfactory Archbishop would be expected to possess. And above all else he would need to have a compelling vision and a simple strategy for the revival and reformation of England.

But with all due respect, I think I fulfil all the necessary criteria ;) Though if there are any other serious candidates for the position, then I invite them to present their own set of reasons.

Anyway, please forward on word of this to all that you think might be interested and 'Like' us on Facebook.

Grace and peace,
+Peter Albion

Running For Archbishop is a Mere Human scheme, in association with the Circuit Riders school. happening at YWAM Harpenden from the 1st-14th July.