I'm delighted to announce the launch of the Running For Archbishop campaign. Please 'Like' us on Facebook and pass on word of this to all that you think might be interested.
To explain, Running For Archbishop is three things:
a 3 part strategy to revive England,
a 7 city tour to share the vision,
a 30 reason campaign to be Archbishop of Canterbury.
The inspirations are:
Psalm 2:8 "Ask of Me and I will give you the nations"
Habakkuk 2:2 "Write the vision clearly on tablets, so that he may run who reads it",
and 1 Timothy 3:1 "This is a true saying: if anyone desires to be bishop, it is a good work".
3 Part Strategy
The strategy is simple:
1. Save the lost,
2. Revive the saved,
3. Train them all.
7 City Tour
Starting on the 1st June, we will be visiting
St Albans -- 1st June
Cambridge -- 4th June
Coventry -- 5th June
Oxford -- 6th June
Southampton -- 11th June
London -- 13th June
before finally making our way to
Canterbury -- 15th June
In each city we will be going onto the streets to share the gospel in the afternoon,
before gathering in the evening to worship and explain the vision for the revival of England.
If you are in any of those cities on those dates and would like to be involved, please get in touch.
30 Reason Campaign
Throughout June, I will each day be offering a reason on Youtube why a Mere Human like myself, a twenty-four year old who hasn't even been ordained, would make a good Archbishop of Canterbury.
Now, the position of Archbishop of Canterbury is a vitally important one and also very difficult: as the outgoing Archbishop Rowan Williams has said, his successor would need "the constitution of an ox and the skin of a rhinoceros!" Apart from that there are various other criteria that a potential Archbishop would need to fulfil: most fundamentally, he would need to be a Christian who fulfils the biblical requirements for a bishop, and then he would also need to submit to the standards of orthodox Anglican faith. Vitally, he would need to know how to respond to the various challenges currently facing not only the Anglican church but also the English nation. Then there are various other skills that a satisfactory Archbishop would be expected to possess. And above all else he would need to have a compelling vision and a simple strategy for the revival and reformation of England.
But with all due respect, I think I fulfil all the necessary criteria ;) Though if there are any other serious candidates for the position, then I invite them to present their own set of reasons.
Anyway, please forward on word of this to all that you think might be interested and 'Like' us on Facebook.
Grace and peace,
+Peter Albion
Running For Archbishop is a Mere Human scheme, in association with the Circuit Riders school. happening at YWAM Harpenden from the 1st-14th July.
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