Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Reason #12: I'm Liberal

Whoever would be Archbishop would need to be liberal, for the Church of England is liberal.

Now Christians who hold to traditional biblical doctrine often use 'liberal' in a derogative manner. But, I believe that Christians *should* be in liberal, and in two ways in particular.

First, we should be liberal politically. Which is not to say that we should be secular (as we have previously argued), but to say that the tolerance that people enjoy in Britain today comes not from Britain being in any sense a secular country (it is not) but from Britain being a Christian and therefore a liberal country, that allows people freedom of conscience within acceptable limits.

Second, we should be liberal intellectually. Which is to say that we should have confidence that the light of the truth will shine clearly when it is presented openly and reasonably. And we should, as 1 Peter 3:15 encourages us to do, be prepared to give a reasonable answer to everyone who asks why it is that we believe the gospel.

So we see that it is possible to be unashamedly 'liberal', without being ashamed of the gospel that Jesus died for our sins and rose again.

Go in peace, to love and serve the Lord.

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