Sunday, June 10, 2012

Reason #7: Baptizing Babies

Now, the Church of England--as we all know--baptizes babies.

In fact, if you were to find out about baptism simply by looking at the Church of England's website, you might get the impression that the Church of England only baptizes babies.

This is a shame, because we all need to be baptized as the first step in becoming faithful followers of Jesus -- and not everyone has the privilege of having been born into a Christian family.

But even tiny little babies who haven't yet understood the gospel sufficiently to say themselves that they believe, should still -- I believe -- be baptized, because to do so speaks of the grace of God which always comes long before any of us ever come to the point of faith.

And we could make more biblical arguments for baptizing babies (and not only baptizing believing adults, the position known as 'credo-baptism'):
1. Jesus says "Let the little children come to me and *stop keeping them away*" Mt. 19:14
2. The New Testament describes Old Covenant circumcision (which was --and still is! by Jews today-- applied to babies) as a "sign" and a "seal of the righteous of faith" (Rom. 4:11), thus invalidating the argument that since baptism is a sign of faith it cannot be applied to babies who do not yet have faith.
& cetera, & cetera

Go in peace, to love and serve the Lord.

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