Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Reason #13: I'm Catholic

We were speaking about how the Archbishop would need to be liberal. Now, we argue that the Archbishop must also be Catholic.

The Anglican church is part of the one, holy, Catholic church, having bishops that stand in apostolic succession from the original apostles of Jesus. And whoever would be Archbishop needs to appreciate and submit to the traditions of the Catholic church.

For as the postmodern philosophers have reminded us, all of us are tradition-ed human beings: we all have presuppositions that we bring to the table and that prevent any one of us from being a neutral absolute arbiter of truth.

And as the Church of England we have an incredible Christian heritage which we are responsible to receive and steward.

But of all the traditions we receive, the most important is the gospel. Which, St Paul says, he received and passed on to us: that Christ Jesus died for our sins and rose on the third day.

Go in peace, to love and serve the Lord.

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